Friday, August 26, 2011

Old + New = New?

So okay, in Lesson 2, we briefly talked about what Novelty is, what is defined as Creativity and Innovations, and who are the Inventors.

From the slides and the lecture, I kind of understand that Novelty simply means having/creating something 'new', or original. But 'new' is still depends on the context and the perception. Creating new patterns in a common process could be considered as original or "novel" but it might as well be just another old pattern used in a different way.

Here's an example :

that is an example of a modern mind-map. Modern Mind Mapping was introduced by Tony Buzan as a method to trigger new ideas, as an evolved version of brainstorming. And this "new" brainstorming method is considered as a Subjective Novelty as it has contributed to the society and accepted by the audience as a conventional thinking method.

Its the process of creating something new, or making improvements on something that has already exist. I can't think of anything else but this :

I have one of those. haha. Since Kinect was announced by Microsoft couple of years ago (formerly known as "Project Natal") , everyone from the industry just knew that this piece of technology would take off and change the face of video gaming experience. Back in the days using our body as a remote control has always been something that we could only see on sci-fi films.

But when it came out, people realize its true capabilities and potentials not only for gaming purposes. Here are some of the guys who hacked their way to seek Kinect's true abilities :

Just amazing what they can do with technology these days :)

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